Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

About The Sims

Pendahu luan…
The Sims adalah permainan komputer simulasi strategik yang dibuat oleh desainer permainan Will Wright, dipublikasi oleh Maxis, dan didistribusikan oleh Electronic Arts. Permainan ini adalah simulasi aktivitas sehari-hari dalam kehidupan. kalo ga salah tanggal 4 Februari 2000, permainan ini telah terjual sebanyak 16 juta kopi yang membuatnya sebagai permainan komputer dengan penjualan terbesar dalam sejarah.wew... keren banget kan???

The Sims berfokus pada kehidupan orang virtual yang disebut sebagai Sims. Pemain dapat mengontrol aktivitas keseharian Sims, seperti menyuruhnya tidur, makan, membaca, atau mandi. Will Wright, desainer game ini, menyebut The Sims sebagai permainan rumah-rumahan digital.

beberapa ekspansi the sims :
The sims Livin Large
The sims House Party
The sims Hot Date
The sims Vacation
The sims Unleashed
The sims Makin Magic
The sims Superstar
Cobain aja,ga akan nyesel deh!!!yah tapi kalo u emank ngfans banget ama game simulation.

Segala Cheat The sims serta ekspansinya : Awalin pake Shift + Control + C
• Quick money
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter the "klapaucius" code. Then, display the cheat prompt again and type "!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!" (up to sixty total commands may be entered).
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter "klapaucius;:" as a code. Then, hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians.
• Nude Sim
While your Sim is inside the shower and there is no pixelated censor, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C and enter the "move_objects on" code. Then, move your Sim/shower to somewhere in the house and they will be nude.
As soon as a Sim enters the shower or bath, go to build mode and use the hand tool to remove the shower or bathtub from the bathroom. The Sim will continue to shower or bathe, but they will be bare without the pixelated censoring.
• Quick navigation
Hold [Alt] and press the cursor keys to navigate quickly.
• Real music
Note: This trick requires a music recording/downloading program. Record/download the music of your choice. After that save the music file(s) to The Sims game in the path "/Maxis/The Sims/Music/Stations/" followed by "Rock", "Classical", "Latin", or "Country". This can also be saved so that the TV plays the music by selecting the "SoundData/TVStations" path instead of "Music", then choosing "Mystery", "Romance", "Comedy", or "Action".
• Magic garbage bag
The following trick will save the time needed to take the garbage to the street. Buy the 30 simolian trash can. Order your Sim to empty it, then cancel the order just as they remove the bag from the trashcan. Then, order them to pick up the mess that they just created. Your Sim will return the full bag to an empty can. Repeat this each time it fills and trash will never have to be brought outside again.
• Less bills
Keep an unpaid bill until the mailman delivers the next set of bills. Pay the original bill when your mailbox is filled with the next set of bills. This should cause the bills inside the mailbox to disappear.
• Easier relationships
Create a family with a male and female adult that are of the same category (such as Virgo and Virgo) and move them into a house (or created house). Immediately after selecting live mode make them kiss approximately ten times in a row to set their relationship meter to 100. If you continue kissing the female, she should ask to have a baby.
• Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt box in the upper left corner of the screen. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time.
Nah yang diatas itu cuma pengtahuan The sims secara umum.pernah kepikiran ga sih bosen dengan barang2,muka, n baju yang itu2 aja??
coba deh buka www.parsimonious.org/(dengan gitu kalian bisa download baju ,muka ,cat ,lantai sampe objectnya berupa winrar dengan GRATIS!!!)

cara masukin winrarnya ke the sims:
double klik download winrarnya, terus extract ke LOCAL C/PROGRAM FILE/MAXIS/DOWNLOAD (inget folder downloadny itu khusus buat object, muka, baju doank.kalo wall n floor ada folderny sendiri.)

Cheat The Sims 2

Cheat2 penting :(Shift control C)

Kaching : Add $1000 Simoleons
Motherlode : Add $50000 Simoleons
nosocialworker : No Social Worker
slowMotion # : Set Game Speed to # (0-8)
aging -on : Turn On Aging
aging -off : Turn Off Aging
moveObjects on : Turn Moving of Objects On
moveObjects off : Turn Moving of Objects Off
autoPatch -on : AutoUpdate On
autoPatch -off : AutoUpdate Off
deleteAllCharacters : Remove All Sims (Neighborhood View)
twinsr2cute : Have Twins
stretchskeleton # : Make Sims Larger/Smaller
intprop censorgridsize 0 : Remove Censor (8=Normal)
expand : Expand Console Window
help : Show Some Cheat Commands
exit : Exit

Alien Abduction
If you want your sim abducted by aliens just enter "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" with no quotes then click on the picture of the sim you want abducted. Click on a telescope while holding shift and it should say some wierd letter combo and abduct. Click on that a Viola! You can do this day or night!

Easy Vampire
Can't find the Grand Vampire or you cant be friends with them.Well good news for you.open the cheat box Ctrl+shift+C and type Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then click on your Sim by using shift+left click then click more and you see Be Vampire click that and that Sim will become a Vampire! Use caution: boolprop testingcheatsenable true or any other boolprop can ruin you game although my game is working fine. Use on your own risk.

Listen To Mp3's On Sim Radio
First get whatever Mp3's you want to put on the game, then open up MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on). Then, Drag your MP3 into the folder. Now, start Sims 2 then go to options menu, then music settings, then the Radio Station, then pick witch songs you want the radio to play. You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.

Use your own videos for the TV
It's possible to watch your own videos on the Sim-TV. You must put the video you want into My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Movies\Broadcast (the TV sender you want). If you then turn on the TV in the game you can watch it! The video must be .avi-clips and the clips shouldn't be larger then 128x128 pixel also it shouldn't have more then 15 frames per second.
(Kalo masih ada yang ga jelas tinggal comment aja yah...)

by the way, bosen sama barang yang gitu - gitu aja??atau bosen sama baju, rambut, muka, perhiasan, make up sims kalian??? nah kalo ada yang males beli ekspansi nya kalian tinggal downloads aja winrarnya.
bagi yang ingin download barang - barang,kalian tinggal buka http://www.4eversimfantasy.eu.tf/

kalo kalian uda download barang - barangnya berbentuk winrar, teman2 tinggal extract ke LOCAL C/PROGRAM FILE/EA GAMES/TS DATA/RES/OBJECT
dijamin kalian pasti puas.

Nah, untuk download muka, baju, perhiasan, rambut, lantai, cat tembok serta karakter, kalian bisa download di :
modthesim2.com (spesial modthesims ini kalian bisa download barang2 juga, tapi catatan extractnya ga kaya web2 object lainnya)

extractnya ke my document/ea games/the sims2/downloads
(folder downloadsnya kalian harus buat terlebih dahulu)
pokoknya bagi kalian yang pencinta the sims2 harus coba deh ^^V

About The Sims 2

The sims 2.... pasti udah ngak asing buat kalian yg gemar banget main game simulation... setelah The sims 1, yg sukses dengan menarik peminat2 dari yg kecil sampai dewasa. Sekarang telah diluncurkan The sims 2. Maybe kalian semua dah banyak yg sudah memiliki game the sims 2 ini.. And mungkin aku juga terlambat banget ngasih informasi ini.Tapi, walaupun terlambat its ok lah... biar temen2 kita yg blom tau jadi tau...
The sims 2 ini memakai sistem 3-D, jelas banget, bisa liat dari sisi kiri kanan depan belakang atas bawah.. Beda banget dengan the sims 1 yg biasa aja...
Seperti the sims 1, The sims 2 juga bisa membuat karakter manusia, bedanya.. di sims 2 ini kita bisa ngerubah sesuka kita.. dari atas kepala sampe bawah kaki... dari alis sampe bibir pula.. kita juga dapat merubah jenis dagu, alis mata, warna mata, bentuk bibir dll.. dech... Pilihan bajunya juga banyak banget... and ngak ketinggalan zodiak n aspiration nya...
The sims 2 juga bisa membuat rumah {max sampe lantai 6 itu adanya di strange town}... dengan berbagai alat yg ngak ada di the sims 1... Kalau the sims 1 khan cuma bisa 2 lantai.. nah makanya cobain deh game nya

Di the sims 2 ini kita juga di sajikan sesuatu yg berbeda banget sama yg the sims 1, di the sims 1 kita cuma bisa memilih 2 jenis perkembangan anak kecil n dewasa.. kalau di the sims 2 kita bisa milih 5 perkembangan, Balita, Anak kecil, Remaja, Dewasa, n Lanjut usia. Intinya nih kalo dilihat2 dari sisi ini, the sims 2 ini karakternya bisa regenerasi. jangan kan ampe lanjut usia, sampe meninggal juga bisa.

Nggak ketinggalan juga nih ternyata sims kita bisa hamil, bisa mempunyai anak dari bayi, bisa ultah n jadi balita, dari balita jadi anak kecil.. dan selanjutnya...
Selain itu, kita juga bisa bikin toko kayak the sims 1 yg mengunakan expansion pack, Hotdate, Vacation, unleashed dll.
Disini kita juga bisa di culik alien... dan dibawa ke planet lain.. dan menurut survey.. 99% bila laki2 yg diculik akan hamil dengan anak alien...

Di the sims 2 ini kita juga main petualangan gitu... kayak mencari Bella yg hilang di culik alien... (kalo yg udah main the sims 1. pasti kenal sama yg namanya bella ini... Bella yg dari keluarga goth)
Pekerjaan lebih banyak.. barang2 juga... pokoknya lebih bagus donk dari the sims 1 ... Hayo..., bagi yg blom pernah main n blom punya the sims 2 ini... ngak salah donk nyobaiin aja... pasti bakal ketagihan.. permainan ini juga bagus loh.. buat yg mau jadi architect n psikolog.. kita bisa mambangun rumah sesuai imajinasi.. n bisa mempelajari tingkah sims kita...
Pokoknya bagus dech nich game...

Beberapa expansion The Sims 2 :
The Sims 2 Universty
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The Sims 2 Open For Bussines
The Sims 2 Pet
The Sims 2 Seasons
The Sims 2 Free Time
The Sims 2 Bon Voyage
The Sims 2 Apartement Life

Beberapa Tambahan The Sims 2 :
The Sims 2 Christmass Party
The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff
The Sims 2 Glamour Life
The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff
The Sims 2 H&R Fashion Stuff
The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff
The Sims 2 Kicthen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff
The Sims 2 Garden & Mansion Stuff